You've found C.G.Allan's "FEATURED FICTION #1"
'The Call of the Kittiwakes!'

Here you'll be able to read the adventures of Kyle the Kittiwake
who lives under a giant bridge in the cold, far north...
If you like Kyle's story so far, why not pick up a pen or pencil,
or simply tap away at your own keyboard for a while
and come up with new adventures for Kyle to fly on to!

Now you've seen the teaser, read on below to get the full story...
To read the e-book above,
simply hover over the centre and tap or click!

Living in Newcastle, I've long held a fascination
for the colony of birds which you can hear
screeching and squawking as you walk underneath
the famous bridge across the Tyne on the Newcastle side.
For a long while I didn't even know what kind of birds they were.
But then I saw a local news item about these "Kittiwakes"
and how it's really rare for them to nest so far inland
and so close to a densely populated area (a city).
Nowadays, they're as much a local tourist attraction
as the bridge itself and there's even been
a city information board put up about them
underneath the north tower of the Tyne Bridge.
So I've grown really fond of walking past
and looking up at their nests whenever I'm down at the Quayside.
And that's where my inspiration for this first story
about Kyle Longfeather came from.
The story was published in print in "The Big Anthology"
from Northumbria University Press in 2005
and I'm still really proud of it. So much so
that when I got the chance to co-host a community radio show
in late 2004 which focused on creative writing
in the North East of England,
I took the opportunity to add sound effects to the story
and play it on air... This might be the first
but it's not the only adventure Kyle and his friends will have,
so stay tuned for more in the near future, right here...

I'm also really honoured to be able to present this story here
not only in "Amazing 3-D" but more importantly with illustrations
that my own father produced for me after reading the story.
Like Kyle's father and grandfather my dad has inspired me
to look closer at the natural world and always watch the horizon...